Thursday, 13 March 2014

Not in the Face, Shangri-La, Austin, Tx, Wednesday 12 March 2014, SXSW 2014

Not in the Face, a local band from Austin, played fun old-school rock'n'roll, sounding like a bar-room Gaslight Anthem, Stereophonics or Kings of Leon. Getting us in the mood with a hearty 'good evening Austin', the band rocketed through their set. They got the audience clapping along to help them out as they had driven all the way - from five minutes up the road.
'Single for the Summer' was a rocking little pop song, and after that they played a run of new songs that sounded like cousins of lost rock classics.
The lead guitarist decided that playing a small afternoon show was no reason to keep all his best stadium moves and shapes in his back pocket, which was fun to watch.
Other SXSW 2014 show reviews from Broken Biscuit Records:
Wolf Alice
Two Cow Garage
Jesse Malin
Sweet Baboo
Family Folk Revival

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